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SMSF NS045: Some Aged Based Issues to Consider, a Review of Fund Estate Planning

An update on some aged based issues to consider, a review of fund estate planning. Hosted by Chris Reed: SMSF Specialist Advisor, Director of Business Concepts Group, CPA-Financial Planning Specialist

SMSF NS044: A Year End Review for your SMSF

An update on a year end review for your SMSF and the key areas to look at. Hosted by Chris Reed: SMSF Specialist Advisor, Director of Business Concepts Group, CPA-Financial Planning Specialist

SMSF NS 032: Government’s Response to Financial System Enquiry

In our latest episode we discuss the government’s response to the financial system enquiry and the top 5 hot audit issues for this year. Hosted by Chris Reed: SMSF Specialist Advisor, Director of Business Concepts Group, CPA-Financial Planning Specialist

SMSF NS 030_SMSF Estate Planning Gone Wrong

An update on how SMSF Estate Planning can go wrong and a look at actual court cases. Hosted by Chris Reed: SMSF Specialist Advisor, Director of Business Concepts Group, CPA-Financial Planning Specialist

SMSF SS _8: SMSF Health Check

Wrapping up the series, Chris goes through a health check for your SMSF as a good way to get started with taking your Fund to the next level, and why a general review of your Fund is your first step. Hosted by Chris Reed: SMSF Specialist Advisor, Director of Business Concepts Group, CPA-Financial Planning Specialist

SMSF SS _7: What happens to your SMSF when you die

The death or loss of capacity of a member can be a disaster for an SMSF. Chris is joined by Business Concept Group’s Sarah Power as they cover the often neglected area of estate planning and loss of capacity planning within SMSF’s. Hosted by Chris Reed: SMSF Specialist Advisor, Director of Business Concepts Group, CPA-Financial […]

SMSF SS_5: The Family Super Fund

Sarah Power of Business Concepts Group joins Chris in this episode about bringing the next generation into your SMSF. Hosted by Chris Reed: SMSF Specialist Advisor, Director of Business Concepts Group, CPA-Financial Planning Specialist

SMSF SS _4: Gearing in an SMSF

Why borrow and when is it suitable in an SMSF? What are the different strategies available? Chris is joined by Business Concepts Group’s Sarah Power, and Domenic Suleman as they discuss gearing strategies within SMSF. Hosted by Chris Reed: SMSF Specialist Advisor, Director of Business Concepts Group, CPA-Financial Planning Specialist

SMSF SS _3: Property Investing with SMSF’s

Discusses property investing within Super, covering general rental type properties through to business premises, joint investments as well as property development and farmland. Hosted by Chris Reed: SMSF Specialist Advisor, Director of Business Concepts Group, CPA-Financial Planning Specialist

SMSF SS _2: SMSF Structure

Have your Fund up to date and ready to go. Discusses individual vs corporate trustees, the importance of keeping your deed and investment strategy current. Hosted by Chris Reed: SMSF Specialist Advisor, Director of Business Concepts Group, CPA-Financial Planning Specialist

SMSF SS _1: Introduction

This eight part Podcast series discusses all of the key areas of an SMSF and is aimed to assist SMSF trustees get the most out of their Fund. Hosted by Chris Reed: SMSF Specialist Advisor, Director of Business Concepts Group, CPA-Financial Planning Specialist

WIF_1: Introduction

Introduction to all the financial issues concerning women to be discussed in this eight-part series. Episodes will feature topics such as Superannuation, Insurances, Investing, Estate Planning and what to look out for when considering each of these areas including some tips, traps and ideas to help women today get ahead. Hosted by Sarah Power: Director […]

WIF_2: Importance of Superannuation for Women

Looks at the importance of Superannuation to women. Superannuation is a major contribution to outcomes in financial future. Everyone has accumulated Super at some stage and everyone really needs to make the most of it – especially women. Hosted by Sarah Power: Director of Business Concepts Group, Financial Planner and Accountant

WIF_3: Personal Insurances

Personal insurance is an essential part of overall financial health and can help ease the burden of looking after loved ones financially if something unexpected were to happen. Hosted by Sarah Power: Director of Business Concepts Group, Financial Planner and Accountant

WIF_4: Women in Business

Many women these days have got great ideas which they develop into a business. Many of these business started while mothers are at home raising their families. But before starting a business, there are many important things to consider. Hosted by Sarah Power: Director of Business Concepts Group, Financial Planner and Accountant

WIF_5: Investing

Women tend to take less risks than men when it comes to investing. Generally, they are also more willing to take advice and be educated with their investing. This episode discusses the various principles of investing. Hosted by Sarah Power: Director of Business Concepts Group, Financial Planner and Accountant

WIF_6: Estate Planning

Estate Planning plays an important part in financial planning for both men and women, but this applies most especially for women. This episode discusses the significance of estate planning for women and various required documentation that needs completing and reviewing. Hosted by Sarah Power: Director of Business Concepts Group, Financial Planner and Accountant

WIF_7: Debt Management

The importance of debt management will be discussed in this episode, including the two main types of debt in Australia and the need to seek advice before borrowing in regards to structure and whose name the debt is assigned to. Hosted by Sarah Power: Director of Business Concepts Group, Financial Planner and Accountant

WIF_8 : Quick Twenty Minute Financial Plan

A wrap up of everything from the previous episodes in a quick 20-minute financial plan. This quick 20-minute financial plan summarises everything women need to consider and also some quick tips in each area to help get started. Hosted by Sarah Power: Director of Business Concepts Group, Financial Planner and Accountant

SMSF NS 024: Audit Issues and Trends Around SMSF Growth

A look at the audit issues around Self-Managed Super Funds, trends in SMSF growth and some of the latest statistics as well as a discussion on the latest in Superannuation. Hosted by Chris Reed: SMSF Specialist Advisor, Director of Business Concepts Group, CPA-Financial Planning Specialist

SMSF NS 023: Latest Statistics on SMSFs and Recent ATO Views

Discussion covering the latest statistics on SMSFs and the recent ATO views on related party loans. Hosted by Chris Reed: SMSF Specialist Advisor, Director of Business Concepts Group, CPA-Financial Planning Specialist

SMSF NS 022: Financial System Inquiry Report

This first show for 2015 recaps the financial system inquiry report which was recently released and notes key points which can affect SMSFs. Hosted by Chris Reed: SMSF Specialist Advisor, Director of Business Concepts Group, CPA-Financial Planning Specialist

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